Cornea / Dry Eyes

The condition which leads to non-specific redness of eyes, irritation and watering of eyes is called Dry Eyes. It affects about 70% of the older population and is one of the most common eye diseases faced today. The disease can range from being trivial to being very serious which could eventually lead to vision impairment.

Dry eyes occur when the eye does not produce enough tears to lubricate the eye or the tears produced evaporate too quickly.


The most common cause of dry eyes is old age. Continuous exposure to dry, dusty, polluted and hot air is another leading cause. Associated diseases like diabetes, thyroid and allergic eye conditions can also cause the disease. Associated systemic diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to severe form of dry eyes. Chronic infection of the eye lids can lead to dry eyes and the vice versa is also true.

Long hours of siting in an air conditioned environment or excessive usage of computers, mobiles and television viewing has become one the leading cause of dry eyes in young adults. The condition is usually a mild variant of dry eyes and is part of what is known as computer vision syndrome.


The most common symptoms of dry eyes include a burning sensation in the eye, itchy, heavy or fatigued eyes, red eyes, light sensitivity and blurred vision.

Another common symptom is the feeling that grit or some other foreign object is present in the eye. Some patients may also display the symptom of watery eyes which is caused due to the over stimulation of the tear glands.

Both the eyes are usually equally effected.


To diagnose dry eyes, symptoms alone are poor predictors as they can vary significantly from one patient to another. The dry eyes condition can be accurately diagnosed only by an ophthalmologist who can test both the quality and quantity of tears with various specialized tests.


Treatment depends on the underlying cause. The most common course of treatment includes using tear substitutes and other medications. Other forms of treatments include increasing tear retention, eyelid cleansing and treatment of any inflammation present in the eye.

As the condition is usually chronic, long term and in some cases, lifelong treatment is required.

Dry eyes if left untreated can lead to serious vision impairment and in extreme case; it can lead to loss of vision. At Vibrant Eye Care, your doctor accurately analyses the severity of the condition and prescribe a long term medical treatment plan which ensures that the disease is completely treated.

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